If you're looking for guidance and some hand holding around your finances why not book in for a week of support via Voxer, a free walkie talkie style app where we can voicenote and message each other. You send your questions, I get back to you within 24 hours, often sooner. 

It is ideally suited for those who don't want to be tied to video calls, are too busy to schedule Zoom meetings, or dislike the pressure of immediate responses (a shout-out to the introverts who appreciate time to reflect!). You can bring more than one issue, essentially getting a money MOT on the go.

This coaching method offers the flexibility to contact me at your convenience and ask more questions as they crop up. 

"The format of being able to send messages when suits was so helpful, I didn't want to add any more meetings to my busy calendar but this fit perfectly around my life"

Feel free to share your questions, feelings, queries or anything that's on your mind about your money, whenever you wish.

"You helped me to realise why my current investment returns weren't great after years of investing in the wrong funds for my risk profile. It helped to open a conversation with my husband about how we can save together and work towards financial goals together. Being a high earner but having such high outgoings, you've been what l've been looking for and I hope to now see my money grow! Thank you so much for your time and I really love the fact you are in the same boat as women like me, young children and a career to juggle with the end goal of wanting to provide a happy life for our families! Thanks again!"

I've worked in Wealth Management since 2011 and my mission is to help give you financial clarity and build wealth 

You are purchasing: 

Philly in your pocket£250

Contact information


Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


Philly in your pocket£250

  • Total payment
  • 1xPhilly in your pocket£250

All prices in GBP

What's Included:

  • 1 week support via the Voxer app
  • Unlimited questions
  • Access to a Chartered Wealth Manager who has been in wealth management since 2011

Practical Details:

After completing the checkout by entering your information, you'll receive an email with a few questions to complete to make sure we get the most out of the time working together

Payment Details:

  • One payment only
  • All pricing is in GBP
  • Payment will be charged to your credit card automatically and you'll be emailed a receipt from Stripe or Paypal

  • What type of support is included?
    This is support via the free Voxer app where you can ask me questions and I will respond to you within 24 hours, often quicker.
    I cannot give tax advice so will refer on to a financial advisor if needed.
  • What is your refund policy?
    There are no refunds once the week begins.
  • What software or other tools do I need to buy to be able to use this?
    In order to make use of the 1:1 coaching support you will need to download the free app Voxer
  • Why you might want me as your financial coach in your pocket
    You’re feeling overwhelmed by what to do with your finances
    You don't have family members or friends you can ask about money
    You want to focus on making more time for your finances
    You’re struggling to make a decision
    You want accountability without pressure
    You want to run your ideas by a financial professional
